I was excited to see the outside world after staying underground for more than 6 months! I wanted to feel the natural breeze of the world, and fly through the sky, observing the world below me!
I am so close to that small dream of mine but, for now, the mission is my priority, even though the only reasons I wanted a mission was because: 1, I can earn points and 2, I could go to the outside world. It's been a long time, after all. Though, I wonder where my other teacher went. Christopher hasn't showed up for a few months now, and that's getting me a bit worried.
While the old man is strong, he might've choked on his own saliva and died in his home, wherever that is. But it's unlikely for someone like him to die of such stupid reasons, and no one in the sect is capable of defeating him in combat except for Yule Atlas and Frostine Atlas.
The old man could use that magic-canceling field magic of his to his opponents, making everyone inside the field incapable of using magic, with him being the exception. Most cultivators prefer to use magic in their day-to-day lives, and take that away from them, all they have is pure strength and some skills.
It is fortunate that my first master, Christopher, is a very powerful mage, who's capable of controlling every drop of his mana. He has created countless spells, some are useless and some are powerful. But his most powerful spell is the Elemental Avatar, though I have yet to confirm whether he created that spell or not.
Anyway, enough about the old man; he'll show up when he wants to.
We are currently outside of the city gates, with his caravan just right in front of us.
The caravan looked nothing special. It has a white roof kept stable by the ropes tied with it, 6 metal wheels, and 4 horses to make the caravan up and running. The thing about this caravan, however, it is a bit huge. I daresay that it could probably fit 25 people inside, provided that they just stand up and do nothing. The caravan probably cannot enter the city roads due to its size and it would probably just be stuck outside of the gates, that's why we'll just have to carry the items all the way back to it.
Though, strangely, there were four crates full of apples behind the old man.
Though, I am curious as to why he doesn't use storage rings, it's a lot easier that way. And, he won't have to use this huge-ass wagon just to get his goods to the underground city from the Albion Empire.
But I decided to not ask him about it. It's not like it'll harm my objectives, in fact, this extends my time outside. With us just guarding the caravan, it will take a month for the caravan to travel to the Albion Empire, then another month travelling back to the sect.
I can take my sweet time staying in the outside world, finally interacting with normal people rather than the people here. The people here in the city are no fun, they're too peaceful. People in the outside world, however, are more fun since they are so corrupted by their environment that they have lost touch of the simple morality of the right and wrong.
Here, in this sect, I cannot act too wildly or else the consequences would be dire, but outside, no one is powerful enough to be a threat to me, with a few being the exception. There are probably enemy disciples out there but they are of no problem. If it comes down to it, I'll just slice their bodies up REAL good with Thanatos.
Anyway, I changed my clothing for a bit. A hooded black cloak, and under it was the tight black armor that I bought from the system a year ago. I just really like the color black since it blends in with my hair, which is black, as you all know. And I think black is a really cool color, it makes me seem mysterious to strangers.
Though, my clothing wouldn't probably make me mysterious, it just makes me look cuter since I'm still a f*cking toddler. If I was only 8 years older, then I would probably look mysterious and cool!
The others didn't change their clothing since they were ready the moment they entered the Mission Pavilion, unlike me.
As I was sitting inside the caravan, with the other 4 outside, I heard Dain's voice from the front of the caravan, who is currently sitting on the driver's seat after having a talk with someone.
"It's time to go, sect disciples. Hop inside the caravan, the guards are now going to teleport us into the surface!" Dain announced.
Soon, Cecelia, Avian, Kurdak, and Verte went inside the caravan. All of them sat inside as we saw the guards in front of the caravan use a teleportation talisman, which was the thing Laystine used to bring me and my family into the sect. It's a dangerous talisman since it's capable of killing the user if they decide to travel to a place far from them but it could be used for short-distance transportation without any risks, which is kinda good?
Anyway, soon a bright light enveloped us.
(Scene Change)
I opened my eyes, and saw the others doing the same.
"Pah, I'll never get used to that light!" Dain yelled, rubbing his eyes in frustration.
I ignored his rantings as I went out of his caravan.
The moment my black shoes touched the ground, I saw the trees flutter as the wind hit me, pushing my cloak behind me. My gaze went to the skies, and I saw birds flying through the clouds.
'As I thought, the outside world is a lot better than that underground land,' I said in my thoughts, feeling at peace.
"What are you doing, Auguste?" Cecelia's voice sounded behind me.
"I just wanted to feel the surface for a peaceful moment," I uttered in reply.
I closed my eyes, and memories rushed into me. I remembered the time when I was simply sitting in my room in the orphanage, reading one book to another. I remembered the time when I watched my brothers and sisters play outside, occasionally smiling as I see them fall sometimes. I remembered my father-figure, the one who raised me, the one who took care of me, and the one who gave me everything, who gave in under the stress.
I felt a bit lost at the thought of him. Somewhere out there, he is lost too, not knowing what to do, just trying to struggle for his survival. But I know he'll come back, he is strong, he'll survive, I just know he will.
Then, as I felt the breeze of the sunny forest, memories of Delia rushed into my head. Her kind and loving smile, to her cold and regretful death, I remembered them all.
All of this happened here on the surface. My happy and sad memories happened here, and I have not forgotten about that.
I opened my eyes, and the glint of hatred appeared in my eyes out of nowhere.
'Debts… I'll be collecting debts from now on. No matter the cost, I will destroy the remaining Rockfellers, I will destroy that side of my blood!' I vowed with a glare, directed at seemingly no one.
I will not be doing this for Delia, no, I will be doing this for myself.
Fredrick Rockfeller… I have not forgotten about that name.
I hope he took better care of MY kingdom…