Chapter 20: Rumors

In the Teasel Kingdom, aristocrats tends to fight for their believes. Each noble would, without doubt, shed blood to stand right.

It has no relation to honesty, but rather the rules and standards they depend on to judge and hold power. Thus, the fights among them have no end.

However, for one of the rare times, these nobles focus all their attentions on a single target.

A week have barely passed, yet the events of the unusual funeral of Lady Rina Whishipper have spread across the kingdom.

The fact that the last heir of the Whishippers has came back from the dead, shocked every listening ear and was passed on every speaking tongue.

"Eh? Didn't the boy die when he was 4?"

"Indeed. But he reappeared at his mother's funeral!"

"Oh my! How could that be? Isn't he just an imposter?"

"I thought so too, but I heard the Dorben lawyer approves of his identify. He had the Duke's badge, you know."

"Ho? If it's the Dorben then-"

"Ha! I bet that 'heir' bribed him! He's not the same old lawyer."

"No way. The Dorbens took a vow of honesty!"

Countless talks about that day went around the kingdom. Each person had thoughts regarding the matter.

And in midst of the truth and stories, there are always rumors.

"Hey, didn't the new Duke come at Lady Rina's funeral? What if...he killed her?"

"What a terrible accusation! Why do you think so?"

"If he wasn't dead all those years, then she must have removed him from the heir position to have all the fortune for herself! She's a foreign noble, remember?"

"Oh that's true! I bet she wanted to insure her nephew's position."

"But it's her own child we're speaking about!"

"So what? He might be an illegitimate child"

"Do not speak like that about the Lady!! she was an honorable noble women!"

"Still, her Will was a bit..."

"That will? Didn't it claim that the heir is young master Eliot's guardian?"

"Don't mention that child! Someone might hear you!"

"Oh my! Indeed. It would be terrible to get his curse!"

With new rumors, old ones opens as well.

The young boy with ash gray hair and blood red eyes, had a feared rumor. The fact that all his close family members have died, was due to a curse carved to his very existence.

The whispers of nobles were trembling mentioning that curse.

"He's a demon! He was born to be a small figure but his bloody greed made all the ones around him fall and die one by one!"

"Who would've thought. That demon looked hungrily at the word the moment he opened his eyes..."

"Hmm? What are you speaking about?"

The whispers turned more quieter, almost as if afraid their shadows might hear the following words.

"Eliot Lether. The child of a foreign noble family, he has the eyes of a demon..."

"He was born into this world cursed with his whole existence. The moment he was born, his eyes bled until they were dyed red. And everyone around him, including his own parents have died!"

"My lord! Where did such a curse came from?!"

"Well...they say it's from the falling Lether family. I have no further idea of the reason."

"Such a creature exist huh..."

"Indeed he does. And the only step left for him to have a title and power is this heir..."

"This new Duke better hold on to his title and dear life."

"Will the heir kill the cursed child or will the curse get him first?"

"I'll bet on the heir! He already came back from the dead once~"

"Oh then I'll bet on the cursed. He already kill."

"Haha. Things are getting interesting"

"There's a month before the debut of the new Duke of Whishipper. Let's see who will stand in front of his Majesty the King then"


Rivan looked at the black car before him. It was the same he came with five days ago.

He looked back one more time recalling what his conversations in the mansion.

'Head of butlers, Ms. June, I leave the mansion in your care.'

The old women nodded without a question. It seems like the young Lord have prepared to head out for quite the long time.

Rivan turned to the boy besides her. Eliot who looked usually like a doll, was obviously curious about the Rivan's destination.

The young Duke spoke as gently as ever to him.

'Eliot, I will be back after a while.'

Seeing that the ash haired boy didn't respond, Rivan proceeded speaking with a certain tone to his low voice.

'We'll talk more next time.'

A flash of understanding passed by the Eliot's face as he responded.

'I will wait.'

Although it was for a short moment, Rivan saw strong emotions in the doll eyes of the young boy.

Elora, who spent more time with Eliot, patted him a bit. It seemed like their way of saying farewell.

With finishing what he had to do, the young Duke was about to head out when the Head of butlers spoke formerly and briefly.

'Have a safe trip, Master Rivan.'

June said that lastly before walking away with Eliot.

Rivan who was satisfied with the short exchanged words, got inside the vehicle.

Both Elora and Nile were waiting for him as he spoke with a mischievous grin.

"Let's head for our first prey, Earl Arinton"

The responds of the blue butterfly and the gray bird were on rhyme.

"As you with, Master Rivan."

The second letter with a white words on a black paper, requested the life of one individual. The simple Earl on a popular business area. A normal innocent person as he seems, no believes of his hands to be dirty.

However, the Duke covered in black listens to the whispers of the miserable children. They have called him to take revenge on this "innocent person"

'Deep hidden in the dark, hides the real devil inside every corrupted soul. I have been called and, by all means, I'll answer the call.'

End of chapter 20.