The Notebook of Lord Kubera

"Phew… That was close!" Looking back at the area that he had fought the flaming mountain ape earlier, Xuan Hao felt himself shivering a bit at the thought of being surrounded and attacked by those demon beasts.

Even if they individually were weaker than the flaming mountain ape, all of them put together would be more than enough to injure him or at the very least force him to run away.

The only demon beast one could hunt down without worrying too much, was those in the Core Formation Realm… Hunting the Nascent Soul Realm demon beast in a place with other Nascent Soul Realm demon beasts nearby, was close to suicide…

"Maybe I should choose somewhere at the edges of the Burning Mountain Range to test out my strength the next time around… Whatever, at least I have an idea how strong I am now…" Sighing a bit to himself, Xuan Hao left the Burning Mountain Range and made his way back towards the Flying Sword Sect.