Sect Master of the Black Rose Sect

Inside the underground palace, Elder Skinling was carefully escorting Chu Yang forward towards the throne room located at the centre of the underground palace, this was the place that the Sect Master of the Black Rose Sect resided!

As he got closer and closer to the throne room that the Sect Master was located in, Elder Skinling started growing more and more nervous with each passing second.

No matter how confident he was in the person that he had met earlier, he still could not stop himself from feeling extremely nervous.

"Come!" As Chu Yang and Elder Skinling arrived in front of a large double door, a demonic voice echoed out from the other side as the double door slowly started opening on its own. Not giving Chu Yang or Elder Skinling any time to respond to the voice.

Looking into the pitch-black darkness beyond the double door, Elder Skinling gulped in fear as he slowly walked inside, making sure that Chu Yang was walking in front of him.