Sealing Zu Fei

"Elder Xuan!" Seeing Xuan Hao appearing in front of him, Elder Song let out a sigh of relief as he called out to him.

"Elder Song, it's been a while since we last saw each other, a pity that the circumstance is not optimal for a meeting…" Looking at the relieved expression on Elder Song's aged face, Xuan Hao felt that it was a pity that he could not talk more with Elder Song.

From past interactions with Elder Song, Xuan Hao knew that both of them had quite a bit in when it came to how they spent their time… Both training disciples or cultivating to improve… Maybe he should find some free time to do something new, like hanging out with the other elders of the sect or maybe even try to learn a profession.

If things came to it, he could also find the library where the Flying Sword Sects records were stored and take a look to learn more about this world and what was outside the Heavenly Sky Kingdom's territory.