Brewing Storm

The messenger walked up to a large tent that was set up in the centre area of the army camp for the soldiers to eat and left his subordinates stay there for now as he made his way towards the place where the commander of the Azure Sky Kingdoms army was located.

"Halt! What business do you have with the commander!?" Standing in front of majestic looking tent decorated with the symbol of the Azure Sky Kingdoms crest, the messenger was stopped by a strong soldier guarding the entrance, clad from head to toe in a completely black armour that radiated a savage aura.

Clearly, he had seen his fair share of bloodshed on the battlefield and was nowhere near the same level as the guards that the messenger had met at the entrance to the army camp.

Comparing the two almost felt like comparing a new-born chicken just learning to walk, to a battle-hardened chicken that had fought a few other chickens to the death on the battlefield…