Returning to the Flying Sword Sect

"We are here!" Smiling to himself as he landed in a small forest just outside the Flying Sword City, Xuan Hao carefully put Bai Ning down on the ground as he put his sword back into his interspatial ring.

During the last few days of travel, Xuan Hao had gotten to know Bai Ning better as there was nothing much to do other than talk and admire the surrounding environment passing by while traveling.

One of the things that Xuan Hao especially liked about the boy, was the fact that he was a curious child that asked a lot of questions, albeit being quite cautious in the beginning.

Luckily after spending a few days with him, Bai Ning seemed to have become comfortable with Xuan Hao and began asking him about all sorts of things, though it was mostly related to the Flying Sword Sect.