Blacksmithing Hall

"Elder Teng?" Not having heard about this elder before, Chu Yang could not help but ask as he looked over towards the disciple that had just complained about the Elder Teng in charge of the tests for joining the Blacksmithing Hall.

"Elder Teng is a new elder that just recently got promoted to the rank of elders after breaking through into the Expert Realm, becoming a full-fledged Expert Blacksmith… Other than that, he has already broken through to the Core Formation Realm as well and can be considered the most talented person to enter the Blacksmithing Hall over the past few decades!" Hearing this, both Chu Yang and Bai Ning could not help but wonder what was so bad about this Elder Teng.

"Hah… If just someone else could be in charge of testing disciples wanting to join the Blacksmithing Hall…" Sighing to himself, the disciples waiting around clearly did not elaborate any further and just shook his head as a sense of hopelessness engulfed him.