Talking about Elder Xuan and Angry Senior Sister

"So, I never really got to ask you about how you really met master in the first place… Outside of it just being in an underground cave or something along that line…?" Sitting down at a small table located in the corner of the dining hall, Chu Yang leaned over the food he had picked out and asked Bai Ning curiously.

Extremely interested in finding out how Bai Ning and his master had managed to somehow meet each other in an underground cave in the first place.

"Ah! Eh… That is…" Seeing Chu Yang's face suddenly appear directly in front of him, Bai Ning nervously shrank back as he did not know how to respond.

To be honest, he had no idea that the place he had been staying in for the past few months was a secret realm, nor did he have any idea how he should explain the fact that he had ended up stuck inside a small room with an underground garden next to it for so long due to him stupidly entering an underground cave for no real reason outside of being curious…