Teaching Bai Ning

Standing together in front of the Sect Master's pavilion, Xuan Hao and Feng Chen listened attentively as Shu Yao talked about how they could deal with the Raging Flame Sect once and for all.

In the end, it was decided that Xuan Hao would hide his cultivation from the rest of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom for now.

During the time it would take for Shu Yao and Feng Chen to prepare for their attack against the Raging Flame Sect and thoroughly deal with them.

It had to be remembered that the Raging Flame Sect did not only have their main sect, but also had several branches spread out across the entire Heavenly Sky Kingdom.

Dealing with the Raging Flame Sect, meant dealing with the main sect and all their branches at once to prevent them from escaping and possibly taking revenge in the future.