Qing Chenyi

Entering the building, Xuan Hao soon realized that the entire building was just one giant room with seating space for around a hundred people forming into a half circle with a small open space in the middle.

"Who are those three?"

"Maybe someone who arrived late?"

"Wait… Is that-!

"Shh! Don't talk so loudly or you might disturb the elder!"

Chattering could instantly be heard as Xuan hao soon glanced over the already occupied seating spaces filled with what he assumed to be the outer sect disciples who had been placed well or won in whatever tournament they had participated in to get the chance to come and learn from him…

"Hah… To think there would be a group of people competing to listen to me talking." Muttering this to himself as a small wry smile made its way onto his face, Xuan Hao quickly took out two chairs from his interspatial ring before handing one to Bai Ning and Zhi Ruo before telling them to find a place to sit down.