Entering the Competition Ground

Making their way to the competition ground through the busy streets of the capital, Xuan Hao and Qing Yi came to a stop in front of an enormous mineshaft that had been repurposed for the alchemy competition, with seating spaces being carved out into the sides of the mineshaft itself for the spectators to watch the competition.

The mineshaft itself was not deeper than a few dozen meters and instead covered an extremely large area. Looking at it from another point of view, the mineshaft should not be a finished one, but instead a new mineshaft under construction.

If not for the fact that a few things were still left on the sides of the huge, repurposed mineshaft in construction that indicated the large hole in the ground's true purpose, Xuan Hao would have easily believed that the competition ground had been made just for the purpose of the alchemy competition…