The Terror of a Master Blacksmith!


Dodging to the side as the demonic rat's giant maw came bearing down on him, Xuan Hao barely managed to get out of the way before suddenly being caught off-guard by the demonic rat's giant tail that came flying towards him the next moment.


Not able to react in time to the demonic rat's tail, Xuan Hao finally understood how General Guan had felt while fighting against the demonic rat. The only difference being that he had Zi Hui to help out holding the demonic rat back after being hit, while Xuan Hao did not have this luxury…

As the demonic rat quickly followed up its tail strike with another simple claw strike imbued with more than enough power to directly destroy his physical body and soul alike!

Understanding very well that he could not afford to get hit by the claws of the demonic rat, Xuan Hao did his best to conjure forth a defence strong enough, as he used the Rain Sword in tandem with his ice domain-
