Unkown Race

Looking closer at the small humanoid creatures walking around inside the town below, Xuan Hao thought hard as he tried remembering what he could about the different races other than the human race present on the Ewaria Continent.

Sadly, none of them seemed to fit in with the race inside the small town below him.

Fitting in would properly not be the correct word, as Xuan Hao didn't really have much knowledge about any other races than the human race. The 'other' races that he knew about, were demon beasts who had taken human form and nature spirits who had also take a human form.

None of which the small race of humanoid creatures below him was a part of…

Feeling even more curious about the small town below after realizing that he had no idea what race the humanoid creatures belonged to, Xuan Hao didn't stand around for long, as he hid himself before flying down towards the small town.