Ancient Scrolls


Turning towards the still bewildered group of villagers that had yet to comprehend what had just happened, Chu Yang smiled wryly as he realized that a few of the weaker villagers had ended up fainting during his early display. A few of the quick mothers among the villages had also managed to cover the eyes of their children. Preventing them from seeing the massacre of the bandits.


Seeing this situation, Chu Yang had no idea what to do. This was the first time he had ever ended up in such a situation. The villagers just standing there staring at him without saying anything also didn't help break the awkward silence that had suddenly descended after the last bandit's death.

Wanting to end the awkward silence by saying something, Chu Yang was a step too slow, as a young woman at the early stages of the Qi Condensation Realm from the village's last bit of fighting force stepped forward.