Disappearance of Archbishop Soft Breeze and the Holy Artifact!

Around the same time that Xuan Hao set off from the Flying Sword Sect towards the Frozen Wasteland, space distorted visibly above the now destroyed mountain range where Archbishop Soft Breeze and the people from the church of the plague god had fought with each other .

Stepping out from the space that had suddenly twisted and distorted above the mountain range, the Cardinal from the Order of the Sky God frowned as his vast divine sense instantly engulfed what was left of the mountain range that had been turned into rubble during the fight that took place a few days earlier.

"Looks like I'm too late…" Shaking his head as he found no traces of the holy artifact or Archbishop Soft Breeze inside the destroyed mountain range, the Cardinal from the Order of the Sky God did not stay around for long, as space soon began distorting around his body once again before he disappeared from the destroyed mountain range.