Vote for Leader Positions

"... And with that we move on to the last part and most important part of the meeting. Choosing who will sit in the leader positions of the sect alliance!" As the last few hours of the meeting went by without much happening, outside of Xu Bao interrupting the few people from the major sects whenever they tried bringing something up, the Great General from the imperial family finally reached the last part of the meeting. The vote of who got a leader position in the sect alliance. 

"It's finally time..." Sitting beside Xuan Hao, Xu Bao could not help tensing up as he turned to look at Xuan Hao with a nervous expression on his face without saying anythin. No matter how confident he was in Xuan Hao being able to help secure a leader position for him and the rest of the independent sects, he could still not stop himself from feeling nervous about it.