Difference Between Earth Immortals

"Hm? What is that..."

Following the river back in the direction of the Sky Empire, Xuan Hao was suddenly shocked to discover a large wave of water hundreds of meters tall heading in his direction. Not only that, but upon closer inspection, large chunks of flesh larger than even the tallest building back in the Star Shattering Sect could be seen in the water. Coloring parts of the water a distinct reddish color that stood out from the normal darkish blue water of the river.


Moving higher into the air to avoid the incoming wave of water, Xuan Hao was surprised to discover that on the other side of the wall of water, there was an enormous snake barreling directly towards him.


Only able to let out a somewhat stupid sound when suddenly faced with an enormous snake flying directly towards him, Xuan Hao quickly realized the seriousness of his situation-
