Strange Cave, Strange Creature, Strange... Everything...


Seeing Zu Fei being knocked flying by the violent wind before tumbling down the spiral staircase and disappearing from sight, Feng Chen and the others started panicking as they rushed over to see if anything had happened to her-


However, before they had a chance to get anywhere near the spiral staircase that had popped up from the lake on top of the Fifth Star Peak, the violent wind forced them back. Even with Shu Yao and Feng Chen having reached the Domain Lord Realm, there was no way for them to approach the spiral staircase.

This was not only because of the violent wind forcing them back but was also due to the fact that the top of the Fifth Star Peak was essentially outside the chaotic qi formation that covered the Shattered Star Peak. Meaning that approaching the spiral staircase would mean they had to first pass through the chaotic qi on top of the Fifth Star Peak.