Two Months...

Following Xuan Hao leaving the Star Shattering Sect, it did not take long before he began searching through the first dangerous location in the core territory of the Sky Empire. However, after only a few days of searching through the place, he quickly discovered that there wasn't anything that would help his attempt to comprehend a new Dao inside.

In the end, the only thing he got out of it was a few precious spiritual herbs and an artifact suitable for someone in the Domain Lord Realm, something that would end up in the treasury of the Star Shattering Sect after he returned.

Thinking that it might just have been bad luck, he just shrugged it off and headed to the next dangerous location in the core territory of the Sky Empire, a place that had once been home to an ancient sect now filled with countless traps that had even claimed the life of someone in the Soul Ascension Realm according to what little information he could gather about the place.