Travel Companions

"Well, it's about time for me to leave. Thank you for your help over the past two weeks, I will make sure that Elder Song sends over enough spirit stones to cover the cost of the spiritual metal I used during our time together."

Admiring an artifact at the Peak of the Soul Realm that he had just made, Xuan Hao informed Yi Min standing beside him about leaving as he put away the artifact. Thinking about giving it to one of his disciples after he returned to the sect.

"Huh? You are leaving already!?" Not having expected Xuan Hao to suddenly declare he was leaving all of a sudden, Yi Min could not help panicking as she said this out loud without thinking before looking towards him filled with disbelief written all over her face.

The reason for this was rather simple, as he had still not asked her about joining the Star Shattering Sect during the past two weeks they had spent together!

"Yes? Is something wrong?"