Entrance to the Fourth Seal

Entering the small city that only had the presence of a single expert in the Soul Ascension Realm watching over it, Xuan Hao soon found himself silently following the old man as he slipped into the river unnoticed by the Soul Ascension Realm Expert in the city. Not taking long before both of them arrived at the rather desolate riverbed that only had a few small fish passing by every now and then.

The only thing standing out from the rather boring environment of the riverbed was a broken stone pillar that stood out like a sore thumb… And looking closer at the broken stone pillar, Xuan Hao discovered that it was the top of some kind of large structure that had been buried beneath the loose soil of the riverbed.

Even without having to see the old man enter the buried structure, it was rather obvious that the seal that last seal he was searching for was somewhere inside the large structure or at the very least connected to it in some way-