Stopping Oneself From Improving

Sitting down with Feng Chen to chat talk the Dao of the Sword, Xuan Hao was surprised to discover that it didn't just turn into a one-sided ordeal of him talking while Feng Chen listened. Instead, he also managed to improve his understanding of the Dao of the Sword by listening to Feng Chen, as there was still a difference in the way they both understood the Dao of the Sword.

Even then, Feng Chen was still by far the one who ended up benefiting the most out of the two of them… And unsurprisingly, he even managed to breakthrough the bottleneck he had been stuck on. Successfully reaching the Fifth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm.

In the end, after spending close to a week chatting with Feng Chen about the Dao of the Sword, Xuan Hao finally sensed that Bai Ning had finished the Mystic Grade Greatsword he had been crafting.