Mui Getting Caught! End of the Blacksmithing Elders Despair?

Following Bai Ning beginning to teach the different disciples and elders about Blacksmithing, while his master was secretly planning on having him take on another task, Mui arrived at the edge of the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces with a large number of spiritual metal ores in hand.

"Stop! You can't take that!"

"Great Mui, please, it took me two weeks to gather…!"

Behind her, two elders with tear-stricken faces appeared as they called out to her while trying to reach her.

"Hmph! You two stopped me at the spiritual metal storage yesterday, I'm just taking a few random rocks I found on the road. No need for you to chase me like this!" Frowning as she said this while looking back towards the two elders with a not so innocent expression, Mui turned around and ran away from the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces before the two elders could catch up to her.