Mui's Battle

"No response detected from tier three trail participant. Please proceed forward. Grand Elder Li Meng will- No response from Grand Elder Li Meng detected. Grand Elder Li Meng is currently busy. You are allowed to leave as the violation committed doesn't reach the level required for forceful detainment of an elder.

Be aware, Grand Elder Li Meng will be informed of your violation when he returns and will meet out proper punishment then. Escaping the Mirage Sect before Grand Elder Li Meng carries out punishment might result in Grand Elder Li Meng issuing a warrant on behalf of the Mirage Sect to the surrounding sects."

Nervously waiting in front of the preservation golem, Xuan Hao could not help silently breathing a sigh of relief as he heard what it said. Even if it was threatening him, he didn't really care about this, as the Li Meng that it was referring to had most likely already been killed in the attack that destroyed the hall.