Chapter 01: Rebirth and Childbirth

Maggie Maternity Hospital.

Abigail Green, burdened by her unwieldy body, lay in the delivery room. Her cervix had dilated to three fingers width, but no one had administered epidural anesthesia.

Each contraction felt like a near-death experience.

Hungry, thirsty, exhausted!

And the relentless pain, gnawing at her last shard of willpower.

"Auntie, help me..."

"Ruby, please, help me..."

Rose Taylor watched the woman in labor with cold indifference, "Doctor Penn, why isn't she giving birth yet?"

"Her cervix just dilated to three fingers, it needs to reach ten before she can deliver." Doctor Penn replied cautiously.

"How much longer until it's ten fingers wide?" Ruby Green, growing impatient, questioned. She was tired of waiting, yet the fat bitch hadn't given birth.

"That depends on the individual's physical condition."

"Depends on physical condition?" Hearing the response, Ruby's expression darkened even more.

Rose frowned, "Should we administer another dose of oxytocin?"

"We've already given her three doses. Another won't make a difference, only the mother's effort can help now," the female doctor explained.


"Push, fat bitch!" Ruby slapped Abigail hard across her plump face on hearing this.

"Ohh..." Abigail, in the throes of a contraction, shivered with pain. Ruby's slap left her head throbbing and face flushing in sheer agony.

"Worthless creature, push harder or I swear I'll kill you. You don't deserve to live!"

"Ahh, it hurts..." With each intense contraction and the accompanying humiliation, Abigail's moans resembled shrieks, with each one seeming as though it might be her last.

What hurt more was the realization that Rose and Ruby Taylor had deceived her completely.

"Push hard, fat bitch, do you know why you're so fat? It's all thanks to the additive-laden whole milk powder that my mom imported from abroad. Imagine if you were to die in childbirth because the baby's too large? Haha."

"Ahh..." Another wave of contractions.

But what hurt Abigail more were those words from Ruby. All their pretense of caring for her and her baby, it had all been a lie!

"Dad, save me. These vile women..."

"You think your father isn't aware? Haha, unfortunately for you, he simply doesn't care about the hoodoo who caused the death of his own mother! Listen, if you don't push harder, I swear I'll make your life worse than death," Ruby whispered menacingly in Abigail's ear.

This weak, useless fatso, she deserved to be used like this.

Beep beep beep...

"This is bad, the baby's heart rate has risen to 180, we need to perform a cesarean section." The monitor sounded an alarm, and the doctor quickly issued a warning.

"What do we do, if there's no sign of surgical incision how do we explain it?" Rose looked a little panicked.

"Mom, I don't have any scars on my lower abdomen, who would know whether it was natural or not? Doctor, operate on her," Ruby directed the surgeon, stealing a vicious glance at the woman on the bed.

"The anesthetist is with your wife, I'm afraid..." the doctor trailed off uncomfortably.

"What's there to be scared of, we just need the baby."


"What are you waiting for?" Ruby ordered coldly, leaving Doctor Penn with no choice but to prepare for the cesarean section hastily.

The sharp scalpel sliced through Abigail's stomach. Without anesthesia, the pain made her body convulse uncontrollably. The life monitor was blaring, but nobody cared.

"Wah wah wah..."

As Abigail heard her baby's first cries, she was already losing consciousness. She could merely watch as blood flowed freely from her stomach, and a bloody infant was lifted from her womb by a doctor.

"My baby..." Her barely audible murmur was the last thing she said before passing out.

No one could have expected, she was tortured to death.

She was literally tortured to death.

"What do we do? The mother has stopped breathing!" Doctor Penn only realized Abigail had stopped breathing after wiping the newborn clean.

"What's there to fear, isn't it normal for people to die while giving birth? The Piers will be here soon. Help me get ready," Ruby urged.

The birthing room was suddenly in chaos, yet no one cared about the now-dead Abigail.

Even less noticed, was the fact that the woman, who had stopped breathing for thirty minutes, suddenly opened her eyes.