Chapter 14: Believe It or Not, I'll Tear Your Mouth Apart

The Piers' ancestral mansion sat halfway up the hillside in Gills City, ten kilometers away from the city district yet spread across more than a hundred acres. It was imbued with an ancient charm.

The car drove into the grand estate and took another ten-minute drive to reach the garage.

Abigail exited the car alongside Brandon Piers. The mansion was already brightly lit.

The main house was a three-story building with a wooden eave. Unlike modern architecture, it resembled more of the ancient mansions found in scenic areas. However, the Piers mansion was better maintained and looked more lively.

Abigail followed Brandon along a path paved with bluestone bricks, through an arched door. Banana trees half a man's height on either side were sprouting new leaves, and spring flowers were blooming everywhere, filling the air with a refreshing fragrance.

As Abigail approached the main house, she heard the sound of guests laughing.