Chapter 19 Mom, She is not Abigail Green!

As Rose Taylor finished speaking, the silent and stern gardener of the Green family, Iron Rod, swung at Abigail Green's legs.


"Ah ah ah...."

The woman's screams of agony reverberated through the entire villa, making ears tremble.

Rose Taylor crawled on the ground, her well-maintained face swollen to the color of pig's liver, and Ruby Green's eyes widened in surprise. The incident happened so quickly that she didn't even realize what had occurred.

Why did Johnson hit that fat bitch Abigail, but instead hit her mother?

Johnson, too, was still standing there in shock. The thin, dark-skinned man held the iron rod, looked at Rose Taylor lying on the ground, and then at Abigail Green standing next to him, dropped the iron rod in bewilderment, "Ma...Madam..."

His panicked manner displayed a kind of innocently clumsy helplessness.