Chapter 82: How Can They Look So Similar?

Jeffrey Foster glanced at the woman in the wheelchair, her expression gradually breaking down, then looked up and saw nothing but Abigail Green's plump figure. He murmured under his breath, "Abigail, Abigail…"

They were two completely different people, but for a moment there, he thought he was seeing Abigail.

It must be because of the same name.

He repressed a laugh, Abigail was such a proud girl, she would probably never let her weight exceed 100 pounds in her lifetime.

Why did he think they were alike?

His amusement was followed by endless bitterness.

There was no other girl in the world that could shine as brightly as Abigail had, enough to capture his attention.

"Good day, Dean Foster!"

"Hm." The nurse's voice snapped Jeffrey out of his musings. He casually waved his hand and returned to his usual graceful demeanor, nodding politely and turning to leave.