Chapter 123: Goodbye, Cousin!

The blaring siren was deafening.

It startled both groups mid-argument.

The blond was the first to snap back to his senses, "Shit, boss, the police are here, we need to get out of here!"

The leader was somewhat reluctant, after all, this was over a million yuan, but the sound was getting closer. After thinking it over, he decided that their lives were more important. He shouted at his companions, "We're leaving!"

Without further argument, the tall one retreated with the other three, leaving Thompson Taylor behind.

In a moment, only Abigail and Pullan were left at the exit, pushing the stretcher.

Compared to the four thugs who were after money, their task was related to the future heir of the Piers family. The property involved was worth tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions. If they failed, the consequences would be unthinkable.