Chapter 132 She is a devil!

Thompson Taylor was one meter and seventy-five centimeters tall with a background as a boxing champion. With the first injection, his entire body broke out in a cold sweat, hinting everyone to how much pain he was in. However, it wasn't until the second jab, when they heard Thompson's howl of agony, that they truly understood the situation. The looks that everyone was giving Abigail had changed.

Abigail alone still looked at Thompson, void of any sentiment in her voice, "Will you talk now?"

Teddy was her last nerve. Thompson should never have threatened her with Teddy.

"Ah... It was Chloe Winifred, I kidnapped her family. If Young Master Roberts dies, she will act against Teddy. But I can't contact her now! So I don't know where the child is... ugh..."

Thompson shouted in one breath, then Abigail pulled out the needle. He was kneeling on the ground, gasping for air, and beads of sweat were still rolling off his forehead. His clothes were soaked through.