Chapter 154 What is this man up to now?


Very quiet.

A kind of calm that confounded the laws of physics.

Abigail could see the girls rushing at her, baring their teeth and claws. She could see the bullet slicing through the air, could even see the smirk tug at Gordon's lips.

But there was no sound.

Just like two months ago, before she became Abigail Green, when Dr. Smith suddenly fainted, the surroundings were this quiet.

She saw her assistant and nurses wearing exaggerated expressions as they shouted at her. But she couldn't hear anything, all she felt was an eerily silent world.

As if it were seeking the arrival of the reaper.

In the days she had lived as Abigail Green, Abigail thought life had given her a second chance, but also its greatest malice.

But at this moment, Abigail realized that this malice was nothing compared to death.

She wanted to stay alive, more than ever.

She had to stay alive, Teddy needed her.