Chapter 182 - Are you still the precious gem of your family's second young master?

Brandon Manor's internal ecosystem was very well-maintained.

The summer breeze was cool and comfortable. Everyone who walked in instantly forgot the summer heat, bathing in the cool natural air and enjoying the manor's beautiful scenery.

Noel Roberts, dressed formally, rarely sat so upright in his chair. He noticed the machines set up around him, raised an eyebrow, and stood up to walk over to Pullan, who was meticulously trimming flowers with a ruler. "What's your Master Brandon planning now?"

"I don't know." Pullan answered honestly. He felt that Master Brandon's behavior had been really odd lately, doing everything contrary to his usual way. He was probably aware his time was nearing its end, deciding to live freely.

Noel said, "…Are you not still your family's big treasure?"

"No." Pullan looked at the towering flower wall sadly. Then realizing the inappropriateness of his words, he quickly explained with a straight face, "Young Master Roberts, don't joke."