Chapter 274: Let Them Dog-eat-dog

Piers' Mansion.

While at the hospital, Brandon Piers received electromagnetic wave treatments. After the stitches were removed and he returned home, Abigail Green prescribed some secret Smith family broths to promote bone healing.

She also gave the kitchen a list of ingredients, noting what should not be eaten to avoid exacerbating his wounds while supplementing nutrients.

After more than twenty days, Brandon Piers' wound had healed well, and he could move as usual. However, he still couldn't engage in strenuous activities.

With nothing to do, Brandon Piers sat in the morning sunlight, watching Abigail Green lead a group of middle-aged and older people practicing Tai Chi in the courtyard below. It looked as if they had turned the open space on the first floor into a square.

And Abigail was leading the square dance.

Beside them, Kelly was pushing Teddy around to watch, while Pullan was sent down to trim the nearby flower beds.