Chapter 367: Lincoln Green wants to file for divorce

Rose Taylor kept the video until now without exposing it, not because she cared, but because she worried that once the video was exposed, everyone would know that the relationship between the Green family and Abigail Green had deteriorated to the point of no return, and Brandon still protected that fat woman.

Although it would negatively affect the image of Abigail and Brandon and have some impact on the Piers, it would also make their situation even more difficult.

After all, the Stone family's eagerness to marry Ruby was not because they deeply cared for her, but more because of the relationship between the Green and Piers families.

If the video got exposed, it would bring everything to light, and people might no longer show them any respect.

Thus, they could not expose this video unless absolutely necessary!

"Mom!" Ruby Green shouted impatiently when she couldn't wait for Rose Taylor's response.