Chapter 712: I'll Prove It To You

Abigail's face turned red with anger. "Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouths apart!"

She almost fainted with rage.

After finishing, Abigail lunged forward, but Lena Locke held her back and shook her head.

Lena turned and glared at Abigail. "Don't stop me."

Abigail chuckled, pushed Lena back with a bit more force, then looked at the two girls who had been mocking them. "I don't really remember your names, but that's not important. You're so ugly you're not worth remembering. At least when you're physically ugly, you can get plastic surgery. But an ugly heart can't be fixed. As for Brandon and me, at least he loved me. Has he ever even looked at you?"

"If he did, he'd probably think his eyes got dirty," Lena added, nodding approvingly at Abigail's words which hurt without a single curse.

"Tsk tsk, not just ugly, but with a foul mouth too. Didn't brush your teeth this morning or did you eat shit?" Ralf stepped up, face full of sincerity.