Wishful Thinking (2)

"This… This is an ultimate ore, right?"

Ultimate ores weren't very common on the market, because ultimate ores were rare. Even if there were ultimate ores, there wouldn't be many of them. It would be a miracle if there were a dozen of them in a year. Mu Yinghua and his companions had never seen ultimate ores before, but they knew it when they saw how crystal clear the ores were.

"Just… just this one?" Mu Yinghua swallowed and stared at the ultimate ore, with desire surging in his mind. Yun Feng put on a smile. "Of course, there's more than one." Mu Yinghua suddenly raised his head and looked into Yun Feng's eyes. "With your personality, you'll surely make your friend lucky too?"

Yun Feng smiled deeply. "You're right. I certainly can't have the ultimate ores for myself. I certainly won't mistreat my friends."

Mu Yinghua's eyes were bloodshot. "Then I…"

Yun Feng chuckled. "We should go back, Brother Mu."