Looking for Someone (3)

Little Fire smiled awkwardly. "Master, although I have dark elements, I'm not as sensitive to them as pure dark Magic Beasts are. My perception of dark elements can be said to be… quite weak."

"If he has indeed been here, the locals in this village should know about the visit of this outsider. We just have to ask the villagers and we'll know everything," said Qu Lanyi softly. He had already landed from the sky. Yun Feng nodded, and the group of them descended from the sky and came to the entrance of the village.

There were very few people in Ganbi Village. There were only four or five people walking around in the village. Seeing Yun Feng and the others, the locals seemed a bit nervous and even a bit vigilant. Perhaps because of the bad communication with the outside world, they were a bit uncomfortable when outsiders came.

"Excuse me…" Yun Feng tried to talk to a villager, but the villager ran away in panic and fear after seeing her.