
Chapter 6

Hazel woke up first and woke everyone up since Michi was gone. Rosie was about to lose it since they have lost a book and now a human being. Elise was half asleep since she woke up early yesterday and said that its too early and she is going back to sleep. Cloudia shook her and said its a friend a breathing friend and Elise said," Jeez, I'm sorry." Hazel suggested they should find her.

Hazel: Ehm GUYS? Where is Michi???

Berry: Idk

Rosie: Gone again?! First the book and now a human being??

Elise: It's too early for this....

Cloudia: Elise! Missing friend!

Elise: Ok, jeez sorry.

Hazel: let's find her...

3 hours later....

They split up and 3 hours later Berry found Michi in the forest. Cloudia asked if she's ok and Michi said she had been walking in the forest that's all. "I'm ok friend its nothing." said Michi. Hazel was confused and said " You mean Cloudia right?". Michi looked a little nervous and said " Um yep Cloufia sure whatever." Elise corrected her an said its Cloudia not Cloufia. Michi said that's the same thing and Hazel broke them up before Elise gets angry and things get messy.

Berry: Michi! Guys I found her!

Rosie: Where were you and what happened?

Cloudia: not ok? ok?

Michi: I am fine I just wanted to take a walk in the woods, friend.

Hazel: Uhh friend? You mean Cloudia right?

Michi: Uhh, yeah Cloufia sure.

Elise: Cloudia,not Cloufia.

Michi: What's the difference?

Elise : there is! Cloudia is with 'd' and Cloufia is with 'f'.... do you know anything about English and alphabets?

Hazel : hey... guys... let's not fight first... let's think of a plan... cause we only suspect that Rania is the one who took the book and we need to focus on how to fight to her, not fighting with each other...

Cloudia : right, right!

Hazel: Let's just discuss our plans already.

Cloudia: Ok, us here and you there then....

After 30 minutes, just as Hazel was about to do a final headcount, Cloudia pointed out Michi was gone again. Berry splits the group up and decided Elise and Hazel will look for Michi while the others fight and stick to the plan. They all did a group hug before doing their tasks.

Rosie: Ok, everyone is clear on the plan?

Elise: Yeah

Hazel: Wait, before we attack I just want to know if everyone is here.

Cloudia: Michi where?!

Berry: She's not here? Ok, Elise and Hazel you guys search for Michi and the rest of us stick to the plan.

Cloudia, Berry and Rosie ambushed Rania but Rania wasnt surprised. As future queen, her mom has thought her to be prepared for anything. Then they began to fight. But without Hazel, Berry was weakened and without Elise, there wasn't that much of a booster and Rania won the battle. She mocked Cloudia and said that Michi was kidnapped last night.

Rania: Ha! You guys lost! The truth is we have Michi and the Michi with you this morning was Lilith!

Cloudia: Uh,CHINJA?!

Rania: Anyway, goodbye losers!

ran away with Lilith....

Then, Rania decides to recruit Lustella because she hears that she can be influenced by bribing her with a beautiful necklace if she joins them. Lustella is actually not evil but the necklace hypnotizes whoever is near it and their obsession becomes stronger. Lustella accepted and now has joined Bcorn. Rania decides to recruit a spy which is Berry's dark side. It convinced Berry that Alicorn was just using Berry and Berry's dark side agreed.... And how does Rania knows how to control it, if you ask... Well, Rania is the most strongest among them and she's the leader of Bcorn.. and she also stole the legendary magic book of spells in which she could learn about it over night....

to be continued...