Order of the Wolf King, Attack the Faroe Kingdom!

The library was even more deserted than before.

Ailo had been training with Lei Luo for such a long time that he had already become a pseudo-ultimate mage.

Wei walked out from the inner room, looked at the tightly shut room, and then asked Ailo, "Ailo, Senior hasn't come out yet?"

Ailo shook his head and said, "No."

"It's been eight years. It can't be that Senior won't come out like the great wizard Snake God, right? Wei suddenly said.

If it wasn't for the mysterious power in the room that prevented her from getting close, she would have broken in long ago. She was already a top-notch pseudo-ultimate wizard.

In the past ten years, she had fought against many pseudo-ultimate mages, including the wolf clan of the northern border, the East Sea murlocs, the elven empire in the Western Forest, and the barbarians in the south. She had won almost all of them.