Embrace the Two Girls

It had to be said that after so many years, the two sisters' figures had become more mature. They were exquisite and sexy.

Even Lei Luo was slightly stunned when he first saw them. However, his gaze did not change. He nodded slightly and said, "Follow me."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Leolan and Leona's faces were flushed red. They looked at each other. They could see the embarrassment in each other's eyes. However, they did not waste any more time. They hurriedly followed behind Lei Luo.

In a large hall, a strange treasure box was floating. It was the Devouring Treasure Box.

Lei Luo was preparing to let them break through to the final realm.

"Leolan, jump in. Prepare to break through to the final realm," Lei Luo pointed at the treasure box and said.

Leolan was slightly stunned. After hearing sir's order, she did not care about her shame and did not ask any more questions. She directly jumped into the treasure box.