The Greedy Sky Orchid Clan

However, there was a peerless mage in Galaxy City. This was the calming agent for all the people in Galaxy City. Decades ago, it was this great mage who had protected Galaxy City from disaster.

As the most powerful mage in Galaxy City, besides the mysterious mage, Belson immediately flew into the air from the city and said loudly, "Mage of the Sky Orchid clan, please stop!"

With that powerful existence as a backer, Belson had a lot of confidence against the Sky Orchid clan.

Unless it was a top-tier powerful mage force like the Bailey family!

"Haha, Belson, is that you? Sixty years ago, when Galaxy City was still here, you were only a first-level ultimate archmage. It seems that you have gained a lot in the Star-slaying cave abode."