The Power of the Whale Clan

The Murloc princess had been determined to die.

The Murloc clan had long been aware of the legend of Galaxy City, but the distance was too far. They had only heard of it but had never come.

After entering Galaxy World, the Murloc clan had developed in a low-key manner for more than a hundred years. With the resources they brought with them, they had developed quite well.

Unfortunately, the weather was unpredictable, and the Whale clan had tracked them down, intending to massacre their entire clan.

In the end, only she had escaped.

The powerful mages of the other clans, including Elder Hai, had all perished.

She felt incomparable pain in her heart. But now, she had not expected to enter Galaxy City just like that. She was a little confused.

Then, her body seemed to be out of control. She flew all the way and finally landed in front of a bookstore.

There was a human sitting inside, reading a book.