Immortal Palace Signed In

If he couldn't get anything good after signing in, he would rather not sign in.

Half an hour later, Sky Spirit Peak could be seen from afar.

Lei Luo could faintly sense that there were waves of powerful aura dormant on Sky Spirit Peak.

Those must be the many sky spirit archmages participating in the Spiritual Conference. It seemed that he wasn't late.

Lei Luo soared into the sky and flew toward the top of the Sky Spirit Peak.

At that moment, powerful consciousnesses swept over.

They were the many sky spirit archmages that the Sky Spirit Peak had its eyes on. There were a total of forty-three people.

This was definitely the most luxurious lineup in Galaxy World.

Any one of them was an earth-shattering powerful existence.

With so many powerful consciousnesses, if it were an ordinary sky spirit archmage, the pressure would be very great.