Crazy Training in the Immortal Palace

Just like that, Xue Li would come over to play every once in a while, for about half an hour.

Lei Luo stayed in the Immortal Palace for more than five years. So he was very familiar with Xue Li.

Although she was young, she knew a lot of things.

Lei Luo had some understanding of the Immortal Palace.

Of course, he didn't ask too much. He just casually mentioned it.

He could not reveal that he was not a member of the Immortal Palace. That would be detrimental to his long-term future there. He definitely could not give up such a good training place so easily.

It has been more than five years. The limelight should have passed by now.

Lei Luo calculated in his heart.

He could not stay in the Immortal Palace for too long. After all, he still had to wait for Ailo's disciples and grand-disciples to go to Galaxy World.

One day, Lei Luo used the pass token immediately after Xue Li had gone and left the Immortal Palace.