The Demon Clan Began to Invade the Lower Realm

Lei Luo finally understood why the weakest people in Profound Land Immortal Palace were all sky spirit archmages. In Profound Land Immortal Palace, only sky spirit archmages had the fighting power. If they weren't even small sky spirit archmages, they were just ants.

The god-level forces also used the power of sky spirit archmages.

Immortal Palace itself was divided into the inner palace and the outer palace. The inner strength belonged to the place where the arcane God Emperor lived. Other than his wives, concubines, and children, there were also some maids.

The outer palace was where the direct descendants of the arcane God Emperor lived.

If Lei Luo's guess wasn't wrong, the strongest person in Immortal Palace should be a demigod.

A demigod was a level thirty-three sky spirit archmage. They had comprehended laws, but they couldn't break through to the divine and condense God's magic power.