Sang Ya’s sudden rebellion

"Sigh, you guys are trying to pin the traitor and thief's frown on me." Sang Ya sighed.

Actually, he had the same thoughts in his heart. He even wanted to possess the Great Empress's body, but he still had some misgivings. If he were to rape the Great Empress or force her to abdicate, it shouldn't be difficult. However, his reputation wouldn't be too good. After all, the God Emperor had done him a great favor, but he had tried to seize the throne. If this news got out, everyone in the world would curse and spit on him.

Hearing this, the Northern God King Ming knew what Sang Ya was thinking.

A few days later, something happened that shocked everyone in Immortal Palace.

The Northern God King Ming had actually written to the Great Empress, hoping that she would think of the big picture and give the throne to the Great God King Sang Ya.

After the news spread out, all the forces in Immortal Palace were shocked.