Slave God Sang Ya Obtained the Divine Emperor Pen

"Perishing God Staff!"

He held the wand in his hand and swung it at Lei Luo.

Immediately, a surge of magic energy flew out, and the entire hall shook. Everyone felt their vision go black, as if the whole world had been turned upside down, as if it was the end of the world.

Their soul consciousness had been completely suppressed by a terrifying aura.

"This spell is not bad." Lei Luo's indifferent voice sounded.

He was actually evaluating the situation.

Sang Ya was burning with anger and boundless killing intent but he found that he could not advance any further because the magic energy ball that he released had already been blocked by two of Lei Luo's fingers.

Just two fingers had completely blocked all of his magic power, magic, divine power, and the terrifying power of the magic staff.

He was going crazy.

A spell that could kill a god was blocked by two fingers.

Was he dreaming?