The Difference Between a Sky Spirit Archmage and a God

"Capture him! We can't let him escape!"

The gigantic figure known as General Saya let out a roar.

Instantly, numerous gigantic figures surrounded Lei Luo.

Lei Luo sighed, knowing that he couldn't absorb any more.

Next, there would definitely be even more powerful existences rushing over. If they were unrivaled, then it would be dangerous. Thus, he quickly fled.

Lei Luo didn't hesitate to use the Star-slaying Sword. He shot out, and an enormous figure exploded. Countless amounts of Dead Sea water were directly swallowed by the map of the Dead Sea.

Then, a three-eyed, pale voice fell from within.

What kind of clan is this?

Lei Luo was very curious.

Soon after, he finished off the remaining enormous figures in a matter of seconds. However, he had intentionally left behind the strongest three-eyed man, preparing to use the Soul-absorbing Codex to interrogate him for information about this clan.