Sang Ya died in battle

"Set up the god-destroying array. Take advantage of the fact that the Hell clan has yet to establish a foothold and attack at all costs. Tear apart the Hell Army, destroy the Dead Sea, and destroy the entrance to the Netherworld Bridges."

The commander of the Divine Court Army, Thundercloud Divine Lord let out a long roar.

Immediately after, a ball of light appeared and turned into a huge array phantom that enveloped the entire Divine Court Army. A large number of gods ordered their sky spirit archmages to attack the Hell clan's base.

"The sea of Suffering is endless."

The Hell clan also had a powerful level12 Hell god. He roared, and the water of the Dead Sea surged out from the Netherworld Bridge and spread out.

Instantly, countless Hell clan gods controlled the water of the Dead Sea, forming a terrifying yellow wave that rushed toward the huge whirlpool.


The Endless Dead Sea collided with the terrifying millstone.